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like a star造句

"like a star"是什么意思  
  • You have to treat yourself like a star . before you - -
  • You have to treat yourself like a star . before you -
  • " like a star breaking away from the skies
  • Two in three guys now want a shape like a star ' s
  • Two in three guys now want a shape like a star ' s
  • " the shimmering bindiya , shines like a star next to the moon ,
    "闪闪发光的bindiya ,如月亮旁的星星一样闪亮
  • At this moment he saw the light of planier , gleaming in front of him like a star
  • They hooked him up to all kinds of machines . but he was fading , like a star at morning
  • Get ready to feel like a star as the red carpet rolls out for this spectacular musical extravaganza
  • I mean she came in looking like a star wearing millions of dollars worth of diamonds
  • It's difficult to see like a star in a sentence. 用like a star造句挺难的
  • Conventional theory suggests that it must have formed like a star from a collapsing cloud of interstellar gas
  • One single , solitary light was burning there , and it appeared like a star set in a heaven of blackness ; it was selim s flaming lance
  • Two in three guys now want a shape like a star ' s . and more than half felt under pressure to attain the ideal male figure
  • When you have the hope that likes a window to show up what you ' ll do , that window is like a star that leads you the direction
  • When observed in visible light , they are small and dim , just like a star . however , near the infrared and radio , they are quite bright
  • Alice caught the baby with some difficulty , as it was a queer - shaped little creature , and held out its arms and legs in all directions , just like a star - fish , thought alice . the poor little thing was snorting like a steam - engine when she caught it , and kept doubling itself up and straightening itself out again , so that altogether , for the first minute or two , it was as much as she could do to hold it
    爱丽丝费劲儿地抓住那个小孩,因为他是个样子奇特的小生物,他的胳膊和腿向各个方向伸展, “真像只海星, ”爱丽丝想,她抓着他时,这可怜的小家伙像蒸汽机样地哼哼着,还把身子一会儿蜷曲起来,一会儿伸开,就这样不停地折腾,搞得爱丽丝在最初的一两分钟里,只能勉强把他抓住。
  • After three minutes or so they found themselves in front of a second gate . through this a wide lawn was visible , over which two venerable oaks cast dark masses of shadow . three minutes farther on yet another gate afforded them an extensive view of a great avenue , a perfect corridor of shadow , at the end of which a bright spot of sunlight gleamed like a star
    三分钟后,他们到达了另一道栅栏门前透过栅栏门,看见里面有一大片草地,草地上有两棵百年橡树,树下形成两大块荫影又走了三分钟,第三道栅栏门展现在他们眼前,里面有一条望不到头的林荫道,像是一条黑? ?的走廊,在走廊的一端,太阳洒下耀眼的光点。
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